Gettysburg A Time for Heroes
Gettysburg A Time for Heroes
Refight the battle of Gettysburg using the CHANCELLORSVILLE 1863 system. For 2 players in 2 hours. Card Driven.
GETTYSBURG: A TIME FOR HEROES is playable in 2 hours. For 2 players. Designed by Yves Roig and Andy Loakes.
Innovative Civil War game which further develops the popular system from Chancellorsville 1863. Using formation and tactic cards players will manuever over a map of the Gettysburg battlefield trying to obtain terrain objectives and enemy losses, while avoiding losses.
The player scoring the most victory points with objectives obtained wins the game.
Game Box
Large mounted game board
Union formation activation cards
Confederate formation activation cards
Tactic cards
Confederate and Union reinforcement cards
Cohesion cubes
Momentum cubes
Redoubt markers
9 x Dice
2 x Rules
Game Board
Detailed Zoom in of game Board
Union Formation Activation Cards
Confederate Formation Activation Cards
Tactic Cards
Union Formation Markers
Confederate Formation Markers