BISMARCK SOLITAIRE BOOKGAME available and shipping from Amazon NOW
We, like you, are frustrated by the pandemic and supply chain disruptions. We asked ourselves what could be done about it until things improve? We looked at our upcoming board game designs and tried to find one that could be converted to a portable style like a book and could be delivered quickly.
Presto! The Bookgame idea was born. And BAM, our Bismarck Solitaire game was a great fit. We took the board game and modified it to work in a book format. Next we set it up within the Amazon book format. That way anyone worldwide can order it through Amazon which has the best delivery distribution network in today’s environment. And, if you are an Amazon Prime member, the shipping cost is covered by your membership, and it will be delivered to your door within days.
The Bookgame Bismarck Solitaire puts you in command of the German ships Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, and U-boat support as they take on a determined Royal Navy that has one goal, Sink the Bismarck! You have 8 missions of varying objectives and difficultly. Each mission gives you 3 tries to best the Royal Navy. This gives you a total of 24 games. Some missions require you to find convoys, others expect you to sink a few British warships, while some just hope your ships can survive the sortie. They only thing you are required to provide is 2 dice, a pen, and a sense of daring adventure.
For non-USA orders, order from the Amazon site for your country.
Back of the bookgame cover
The design of this Bookgame came about as we looked for one of our board game designs that could be delivered quickly in a book format during backlogs of worldwide shipping and supply chains caused by a pandemic. Bismarck Solitaire fit well. It could do all a board game could do if 2 dice and a pen could be provided by the gamer.
We layered missions for the player that became more difficult as they made progression through the Bookgame. We wanted the game to be portable enough that someone could play it almost anywhere (a trip, at the beach, on vacation, etc.).
Most importantly, we designed it to be a historical based strategy game. You make the decisions on the best way to pursue your mission. Where to move your ships, choices on keeping them together or apart, when to head for home, even ship battle tactics of close, keep distance or evade all rest in your hands. You will encounter the full force of the Royal Navy (ships, planes, mines) and the variances of being at sea (rough weather, fog, luck).
Players should plan their missions. The best way is to study the event chart maps to help you decide where and where not to be. This can change from turn to turn.
One of the key design elements is that every event chart has an equal chance of showing up each turn. There is no card counting or limit to how many times an event can arrive. For that matter there is no gurantee that any event will ever arrive. Keep this in mind as you plan your mission. Also, game event charts can change from mission to mission.
Below is a detailed explanation of
How to Play Bismarck Solitaire
(Excerpt from the Rules on Detailed Example of Play)
Marco’s Review of Bismarck Solitaire